Sunday 31 August 2014



                                               Global concern about deforestation caused by fuel wood shortages prompted the introduction of Prosopis juliflora to many tropical areas in the 1970s and 1980s. Prosopis Juliflora is a hardy nitrogen-fixing tree that is now recognized as one of the world's most invasive alien species.

Prosopis juliflora has become an invasive weed in several countries where it was introduced. Concern about deforestation, desertification and fuel­ wood shortages in the 1970s and 1980s prompted a wave of projects that introduced Prosopis Juliflora and other hardy tree species to new environments across the world. 

It is considered a noxious invader in Ethiopia, in Hawaii, in Sri Lanka, Jamaica, the Middle East, India, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Senegal and southern Africa. It is also a major weed in the southwestern United States. 


                                                   It is hard and expensive to remove as the plant can regenerate from the roots. Trees rapidly form dense thorny thickets that reduce biodiversity. Invaded grasslands are transformed to woodland and forests.  Loss of grass cover under canopies may also promote soil erosion.  It has massive impacts upon water resources. The tree re sprouts easily after damage.

 Most of the negative effects we have observed are related to the agricultural activities, as that the Prosopis juliflora takes water away and decrease the harvest and ultimately affecting the crop economics. It will suck the water even from the air moisture.

The most dangerous effect of the Prosopis juliflora on the livestock the attack of paralysis followed by injuries. Most of these injuries are related with the extra long thorns of Prosopis juliflora and toxic effects of the seeds. 


In a move to conserve water, we should ban the raising of Prosopis juliflora trees on private lands. We should take a necessary step to uproot them as soon as possible. It may be looks great but it is a Green Poison. In order to save our soil please make a pledge to vanish this invasive alien species from our country.

We ZUURAS going to make a project about this Green Poison. So we are expecting your feedback and views to make it useful for people.